This is the candy bar I was most excited to eat. The wrapper claims it is made with chocolate, peanut flavoured crisps and caramel. That made it sound like a cross between a Snickers and a Kit Kat, which is a great concept for a candy bar. That's more or less what it turned out to be too, but to be honest I found it a little underwhelming. It felt like the rice, peanut and caramel were all competing for attention rather than working together, and this made the experience a little forgettable, at least compared to, say, a Snickers. The chocolate was pretty thin and bad too. I feel it could be improved by replacing the rice with wafer a la the Kit Kat, or perhaps swapping to dark chocolate. I should note that this candy bar contains 9 grams of saturated fat, which represents 45% of your recommended daily intake (this is slightly less than one Big Mac). I do feel incredibly sick afterwards, but to be fair to the candy bar, this could be just as easily due to the popcorn I ate for dinner.
My rating: 3 stars
Shara rating: 3.5 stars
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