I don't know what this is, but I think I want to be a part of it.
Nagasaki has one of those fancy bridges! Pretty fancy!
While in Nagasaki we went to this cool island that used to have thousands of people living on it but has been uninhabited since the 70s. If you want more photos than this you will have to wait until Shara uploads them because she takes good photos and I do not.
Some of the fruits and vegetables in Japan are so tiny! I wonder if Japanese people come to Australia and freak the fuck out over how huge the watermelons are.
This is me doing my best impression of Fuji-san.
The local baseball team in Hiroshima are called the Carp (they are apparently not very good). The upshot is that it is possible to buy shirts that just say "CARP" on the front. Unfortunately none of the available sizes would have fit on my fat western body :(((
would u like an egg
That is such an awesome sports team logo. Surely they would have sold other CARP paraphernalia like branded tampons and chewing gum worth getting.