WAIT! There is an ad on and it features a female lawyer who needs to go the toilet urgently and she is on TRIAL now for doing so. TAKE SOME DRUGS FOOL!! Gosh I cannot describe this ridiculous ad well enough! Wait now there is an ad about the terrible discrepancies in living conditions in America and it is suggesting that you buy a lottery ticket if you are poor! Good idea! OK photos are you sick of them? I dunno if I will fix them up? Sorry there is SO MUCH POSTING!
I think I might just put them on Flickr as there as A LOT!!! I have to update my pro account soon!
I show you some here tho. Gosh why does it put the pictures at the top! Anyway we are watching FOTC and they are singing a song about their sexy bitz and Ro said it will give her nice dreams tonight should we be worried y/n?
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