Coke (Mexican)
Contains HFCS? No
Jarritos (Fruit Punch)
Rating: 2 stars
Contains HFCS? No
Churrito (Guava)
Rating: 3 stars
Contains HFCS? No
Rating: 2 stars
Contains HFCS? Yes
Sweetened Raspberry Nestea
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Shara got this at Carl’s Jr because we had tried all of the other sodas they had and they were disgusting. This was actually reasonably good. Still probably way too sweet and nothing like tea, but better than, say, American Coke. Just really tasted like raspberry cordial.No picture sorry
Rating: 3 stars
Contains HFCS? Probably
Sam Adams Spring Ale
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I really liked this. I am no good at describing beer but it seemed like a pretty light beer with a vaguely spicy flavour? I thought it was real refreshing and one of the best beers I have had. I drank all of the bottles Peter had.
Rating: 5 stars
Contains HFCS? I hope not
Sam Adams Winter Lager
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This was a heavier beer that tasted more chocolatey. I didn’t like it as much because all beers like this (do you call them full beers?) taste kind of like peat to me.
Rating: 2 stars
Contains HFCS? Who knows
Some weird beer Ryan loves
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Ryan wanted me to try this because I said I liked the other beer that was reasonable spicy. This one was way way spicier and full of “cilantro” (lol). It wasn’t horrible, but it also wasn’t particularly nice. Sorry Ryan!
Rating: 2 stars
Contains HFCS? Unknown
Mountain Dew Blue slurpee
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No picture sorry
Lyndal got this because she thought it would be the safest slurpee flavour, given that we had already tried the blue Mountain Dew soda. This was totally awful in incredibly varied ways. The main flavour was just sugar but it had an aftertaste that kind of tasted like vomit. Lyndal only bought a tiny cup but she ended up throwing most of it away.
Rating: 1 star
Contains HFCS? Absolutely it does
Diet Dr Pepper
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No picture sorry
Bill got a “double gulp” of this, which is 64 ounces (1.9 litres). It cost him like $2. He gave me a taste and it was terrible in ways that defy description. It mostly tasted like American Coke with a bunch of cinnamon thrown into it. Why would someone think that is a good idea for a thing?
Rating: 1 star
Contains HFCS? Yes?
Is there not a lot of High Fructose Corn Syrup in Australia? It's really hard to avoid in soda.