Thursday, July 1, 2010


I have to talk about what happened after we went to look at fake food. Fake food was super expensive so every time you see a fake food display in Japan you should think about how that fake bowl of ramen cost at least $50. So after this we caught the train and went to Ginza. We wanted to show Lyndal Mitsukoshi which is a super fancy Japanese department store. Last time we went it was full of $100 mangos but this time it was being renovated and was not fancy at all! But the exciting thing was that there is now a Ladurée in Mitsukoshi! OH MY GOD!

Delicious! Anyway there is high tea for 7100 yen which is pretty sweet (this is for two people) and you get to choose what delicious cake you would like! Anyway I wanted to eat the St. Honoré Cake but it would not have lasted the trip home. Lyndal and I bought four macaroons

We bought raspberry, red fruits, coconut and chocolate. All were delicious and not sickening? That was odd. Anyway delicious and amazing Japan ilu! Please excuse these terrible underexposed photos! After this adventure I am pretty sure we went home and may have watched the best show ever which is called Dero which means Let's Exit (we know this thanks to Sara).

In this show you get locked in a room and you have to answer questions in order to escape. These girls were wearing big wooden circles on their feet and they were in a room of rice or something. They would sink 1cm every few seconds if you get the question wrong. Both of these ladies sunk. The next segment was about two adults and a child in a room where the roof was coming down on them. I didn't watch this one too closely but in the next room two ladies and a man were trapped and the water was slowly rising. They had to solve very complicated puzzles and find keys to open boxes and at the end they had to answer a quiz and if they got one wrong they suffered a 30 second penalty where they couldn't do anything as the water rises. Sara said that one of the questions they got wrong was name countries which have a higher population than Japan. They had one country left and instead of saying India or something obvious they said Korea! Dumb! Anyway they got out in time. Oh I forgot there was also some people who were eaten by huge fake monsters? I wasn't really watching that one either but Lyndal and Webber know all about that one. It was a pretty great show!

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